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Aarre Uusimaa | Nurmijärvi, Myllykoski | Kuvaaja Pekka Linna

How to use our app

Lappeenranta Local App is a web-app or Progressive Web Application (PWA) which works mostly on all mobile devices like an ordinary mobile app. Difference between a web-app and a mobile app is that you do not download the web-app. You can easily add it to the home screen of your device, moreover, it looks and works like an ordinary application.

Lappeenranta Local App is now on Google Play.


We recommend to use the latest versions of modern Internet browsers which are supporting PWA-technology. On Android devices Google Chrome browser & on iOS devices Safari browser.

How to add an icon to the home screen?

Lappeenranta Local App is easy to add to the home screen of your device. Click on popup notification and your will create the seal icon to the home screen. If you have missed this notification on your screen, do not worry. Here comes the instructions.

Android (Works on Chrome browser)

  • Tap the menu button on the top right corner of the screen (three dots).
  • Tap Add to Homescreen.
  • Then tap Add and there will be our logo on the home screen of your device.

iPhone & iPad (Works on Safari browser)

  • In the bottom of the screen Tap the Action button (button with arrow)
  • Tap Add to Home Screen
  • Tap Add and there will be our logo on the home screen of your device.


The starting page of the web-app. Here you can find the latest news of the town area or some interesting local travel tips.

Probably all attractions and sights of the area are shown on the map. Tap the icon on the top bar if you would like to filter the attractions by your interests. Tap the ball with numbers and the map will zoom in.

All places of the area are shown on the list which can be filtered by your interests. For further information about an attraction, tap (i) button from the top right corner of attraction card. Darken Heart icon means that the attractions is on your Favorites list.   

There are collected mostly all local upcoming events. We are refreshing the list approximately every second week. Please take into account that the biggest part of events are held in Finnish language.

This list shows you all those places you have added. You can save a place of your interest you would like to visit later on the list. Tap the Heart icon and your chosen location will saved.

On this list you can find the latest offers done by local entrepreneurs. For example, you can claim the offer by showing the e-coupon to cashier.

Actual information about Lappeenranta and its connections.

Hiking etiquette in Finland and useful tips.

From here you can change the language.

Information about us, the App and privacy policy.

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